Sleepless Solitude

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January 14

Slower start to the day, then walked to the gym and did my thing – also very slowly. I’m too broke to pay for the subway, so afterwards I pretended I was a lost tourist and got on for free.

Took transit all the way out to Scarberia so I could get my car, and while waiting for the bus driver guy to come pick me up from the station, Logan finally texted me. I ended up letting out all of the stuff I’ve been holding in about having a difficult time recently. It felt good to get that off my chest, but it still sucks that all of this has to be done through text. I don’t like it, but I guess it’s better than no communication at all.

Eventually we arrived at the body shop and the “fixed” mirror was a fucking joke. It’s hard for me in these situations where I’m so fucking clueless about cars, because I don’t know how to assert myself. But, I tried my best and after a couple of hours there and them trying to “make it better” it’s still crap. So, I’m going to have to come back and bring King Triton – a.k.a. Dad – with me and he can kick some burro. In the meantime, the shop gave me the car back while they wait for a part to come in.

After that waste of time, I went up to the house and ate dinner, watched TV, and chatted with Mom. For a while she was actually leaving me alone while I ate. I didn’t like it. I know, not the norm for me, but I wanted the company. It was nice to hang out with Mom the other day. It made me look forward to our trip together next month.

I also pushed the New York visit on Logan a bit more and he finally said yes. It wasn’t the super excited reaction I was hoping for, but it still means I get to see him. Am I rationalizing again? I keep thinking, “He’s stressed with work.” On the other hand, I would love nothing more than for him to come visit me any time. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’m going to New York City.

Back downtown at the Witch Cave, I did my laser hair removal crap – I’m trying to get rid of my facial hair – and went to bed. Oh! And I got an interview today. It’s for an administrative position at an association management company. I don’t know what the fuck that even means, but I’m going to the interview in a week so we’ll see. The HR lady on the phone was so nice – she said that out of almost 200 resumes, mine stood out. Then, she added that I should teach people how to apply to jobs because I was so fast with my communication and my, “Bubbly, bright personality really came through,” in my cover letter. It meant a lot to hear that, actually.

Goodnight xo

More car pictures. I swear one day I’m going to need all of these. Scarborough, Ontario

A newspaper article I noticed while waiting for my car. “I let my motor mouth get the better of me.” That makes two of us, Sonam. Scarborough, Ontario

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