Sleepless Solitude

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January 18

Early start, then drove to the gym because I parked the car at my apartment last night. Did my thing for a few hours and then escaped into the locker room for my standard post-workout sauna.

While sweating my cares away, another guy sat down beside me on the wooden bench. I’ve been seeing him almost every day at the gym recently, but we’ve never talked. Just the occasional head nod whenever we pass one another. Anyway, we were sitting in silence for a while. Out of nowhere, the guy turned towards me.

You must follow a strict eating plan,” he said.

Uh, what? I let out an involuntary cackle.

No,” I replied. “I actually have a horrible diet. My three main food groups are chicken fingers, French fries, and sour candy.

Well, you must have good genes then,” he conceded while examining my half-naked body.

As sexual as that may sound, it wasn’t. We continued talking about health patterns and bad habits as we sat there sweating our asses off. Normally, I’d prefer to be alone in the sauna, but the guy seemed nice. It boggles my mind that someone would think I have a desirable body, though. I’m not a troll, but, still. My body is far from desirable.

After I showered and dried off, I worked in a study room and tried to get as much done as possible. This is a busy week and I have so many things I need to finish. Yet, somehow, even without a job, I’m having trouble finding the time. Walked home, had dinner, then met up with Dan and we saw the new Star Wars movie in 3D. It was awesome! Overdid it on the popcorn and threw it in the garbage when I got home. Maybe I would’ve had more time for work if I didn’t spend the rest of my night watching another three hours of that Making a Murderer documentary. Damn it.

Jacked off and went to bed. Didn’t talk to Logan today. Interestingly enough, I read an article before bed that talked about how texting is ruining our lives. It’s true. Text messaging is such a bad form of communication and can cause so many mental problems. I’ve definitely experienced a lot of them. Logan is not the texting type. I can tell. I’m okay with that. However, what bothers me is that I don’t find myself with many other options when it comes to communicating with him. If Logan lived here, I would just see him in person. But, he doesn’t. I’m excited to visit and repair our disconnect, though. Two weeks!

Goodnight xo