Sleepless Solitude

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January 20

Spent the morning working from my bed and hung out at the Witch Cave. It really does look like a witch could live in this shoebox apartment. Oh. Wait. One already does.

Went to the gym, did my thing, worked on a job application for an event coordinator position at Hot Docs, and then walked back home.

I ate too much again today. It’s the late-night eating that kills me. It makes me feel gross and, obviously, contributes to any sort of weight gain. Yet, despite all of that, I still find myself standing mindlessly in the middle of my kitchen every night with my hand at the bottom of a bag of chips. And I know that I’m going to regret it afterwards, but I continue to dump every last crumb down my gullet. Fuck. I was doing so well.

I was thinking, though, it’s interesting how much of a 180 I’ve done compared to, like, even a week ago. I don’t feel that way as much anymore, which is a welcome change from last week when I was having anxiety attacks and crying almost every night. I can’t pinpoint why my mindset has changed, though. Is it because I’ve gotten used to this lifestyle change? Is it because I booked the New York City trip? I don’t know.

My optimism about finding a job remains high, though, which is encouraging. I got a bit overwhelmed last night when I saw all of the jobs I need to apply for, but one by one I’ll knock them out and go from there. Day by day. Step by step. Oy.

Goodnight xo