Sleepless Solitude

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January 22

Slept in and then prepped for my interview with that association management firm all morning, rehearsing potential questions/answers out loud in my kitchen. It was actually really helpful. Delivering a thought verbally is so much different than playing it on a loop inside your head. I’d sort of forgotten that from my acting days.

After I finished monologuing at the Witch Cave, I walked a few blocks south to where the interview was and did my thing. The whole experience was completely different from what I had anticipated. I knew I would be meeting with the C.E.O., but I was literally expecting a decrepit, wrinkled finance man with thinning white hair to interview me. Instead, I got this really funny, slightly sassy, arts-interested, happily married gay man who couldn’t have been nicer. He even had a framed Cirque du Soleil poster hanging on his office wall. I was in good company.

While the head of the company was certainly a pleasant surprise, it didn’t change the fact that role I interviewed for was an administration position in a very dull industry. The firm manages accounts like the Chiropractic Association of Canada. Oy. Even the bossman was concerned about the lack of creativity the job would offer someone like me. Nonetheless, we had a good conversation and it will be interesting to see the result of my blabbering.

My goal was to be professional in this morning’s interview. Or, at the very least, less casual than previous interviews – i.e., sitting properly and limiting my incoherent word vomit. Naturally, today turned out to be possibly my most casual interview ever. I told the C.E.O. I was psychic. What the fuck! As if that weren’t enough crazy for one interview, he then told me that his heterosexual co-worker’s husband takes her on a trip every weekend, and I asked if the husband had a brother. Ugh. But, I made him laugh, so that’s got to count for something. Right? We’ll see! If anything, I’m more open to the job now than I was before the interview.

Went home, napped, then went to the gym. Did my thing, walked home, watched The Nanny, and went to bed. I’m still having a hard time cutting out the late-night snacks and it’s screwing me over. I was doing so well and now I’m back in that habit. Damn it! Logan texted me one thing today at 11 a.m., and then never responded to my messages. I fucking hate texting.

Goodnight xo

My typical look as I brave the elements and walk home from the gym. Yonge Street, Toronto

I woke up to the news of Mariah Carey’s engagement this morning. Meanwhile, I can’t even get a guy to text me back.

The closest I’m getting to this diamond is a goddamn Ring Pop.