Sleepless Solitude

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January 25

A long list of phone calls and to-do items started at 9 a.m. The Hellacious situation isn’t looking great. Apparently, an American with a DUI is considered “criminally inadmissible” in Canada, which means they might be turned away at the border. I think it’s just a risk I’m going to have to take, though. I need Hellacious for the party, so we’ll see what happens. Getting a hold of him is a nightmare, though.

Drove out to Scarberia with Dad and picked up the car. She’s all fixed now. Thank God that nightmare is over. After that, the day was pretty much business as usual. I went to the condo, worked out, sat in a study room to do a bunch of work, and then walked home.

I also got another interview! With Hot Docs! It’s for that event coordinator position I applied to a few days ago. God, I hope it works out. Watched a bunch of The Nanny while I ate my dinner and worked on MOMENTS artwork, then moved to the bathroom and completed my nightly ritual of massacring my face with laser hair removal devices. For the record, they have not helped. At all. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to do it. It’s very painful.

This week is going to go by very fast because I’ve got to get everything lined up for the next two weeks. It’s go time! Oh! The most exciting news? I got approved for my unemployment insurance! Money! Yay!

Goodnight xo