Sleepless Solitude

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January 7

Plugged away at the job applications again this morning. Did six before I left the house. I know I should be a bit more selective, but given the rate of return on these submissions, I need to apply to as many jobs as I can – hoping that someone will actually look at my stuff and want to talk to me.

Walked to the gym, worked out, and got back to the job applications. I think I sent out another 10+, including one that required a video submission. I’m doing anything I can. But, no unpaid crap. I need to afford rent and I need to go to New York City. The ideal job? Something with an office in New York City that I could travel to. I got a bite, though! Unfortunately, it’s from a start-up I’m not all that impressed by, but it’s a social media job. Wait. Internship. That’s the problem. I have a phone interview tomorrow and if he tells me it’s unpaid, I’m out. We’ll see.

Walked home, made dinner, watched The Little Mermaid, and got sad about Logan again. I need to get it together. I haven’t stopped thinking about him since the day I met him, but he’s not the kind of guy who’s going to talk to me all the time and I have to get used to that. I also have to get used to the fact that he’ll probably meet someone beautiful in his own city and I’ll be here alone. Ugh. I’m my own worst enemy sometimes. Most times.

Goodnight xo