Sleepless Solitude

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March 24

I’m writing this at 5:30 a.m. Why? Because this is the time I’m going to bed. It’s been an insane day.

I drove up north and worked a shift at The Store this morning from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It was supposed to be longer than that, but I left early. After work, I got my hair done with Kris and then stopped by Casa Z, where I had my second phone interview with Snapchat’s New York City office.

I spoke with the Facilities Manager for quite a while. I think it went well. For the first time ever, a potential employer had recognized that my mish-mash of skills and job experiences were actually a good thing. It means I’m resourceful. Well-rounded, even. Anyway, we had a really good conversation. The manager was surprisingly relaxed. We’ll see what happens. I’m not mentioning my lack of a US work visa until they ask about it.

After my phone call, I ran a fuck ton of errands in the pouring/freezing rain. Mostly stuff for MOMENTS. Everyone keeps asking me if I’m nervous. I’m really not. I was before, but now I’m at a point where I feel confident with the work I’ve done. I think I need to make some changes to the music but, other than that, I am so prepared for this thing. I’m mostly just really excited to have a great party!

One of my errands today was picking up another stack of paper from Kate. I’m telling you, that girl is a literal angel from heaven. As if it weren’t enough that she used her work’s fancy printers to pump out 250 copies of my MOMENTS poster, today she used them again to print 94 full-color photos for me. They’re absolutely gorgeous. I’m going to plaster them across every square inch of the event space. It’s going to take the party to a whole other level. Talk about a moment! I owe Kate so much. I love the photos. I love Kate!

Eventually, I returned downtown to the Witch Cave and had dinner. I also tried to deal with my joke of a computer, which I’m pretty sure is about to explode soon. Why does it sound like there is a Boeing 747 beneath my keyboard? Oy.

Anyway, I had started working on my MOMENTS BuzzFeed article, but then Bryan suggested coming over to my place to hang out while I worked. In theory, that seemed like a good idea. I said yes, and Bryan walked over soon after. Naturally, I didn’t get any work done while Bryan was here. We did make out a lot, though. Maybe that makes up for it?

Bryan and I also got closer to second base tonight. Or was it third base? I don’t know. I’m not good with sportsing references. Honestly, I don’t want to do anything more than kissing right now. I’m scared. I don’t know how to deal with the trust issues that I have about STDs. I’ve been burned so many times. No pun intended. I like Bryan, though. I want to continue exploring things with him – both mentally and physically.

Logan messaged me this morning during my shift at The Store, asking about how my event planning was going. I kept my answers fairly short. I also didn’t reciprocate with any questions about his personal life. It’s not worth it anymore. Logan fucking played me, and continues to do so on a regular basis. I’m not some “come and go” option that Logan can shoot a message at when he feels like it, but ignore the rest of the time.

All of that being said, I still had a few moments with Bryan where I was thinking about Logan. Bryan and I made out on my bed a lot tonight. As such, he’s now the first guy I’ve had on my comforter since Logan. Before Logan, I can’t remember the last guy I had on – or in – this bed. These feelings will pass. The thoughts of Logan will fade away.

I had a good time with Bryan this evening. It was nice to have him over, and now we’ve gotten the “first-time apartment visit” out of the way. Bryan left around 1 a.m., which totally screwed me. I had to finish my BuzzFeed article tonight.

Now, it’s 5:45 a.m. I’m about to pass out because I just took a Panic Pill to put me to sleep. But! My BuzzFeed article is complete. It’s glorious. “101 Times Mariah Carey Had A Moment.” Genius. The whole thing is really clever. I think it will be a hit. Let’s just hope I don’t get in trouble for the party itself, what with all the copyrighted music and image usage. Nonetheless, I’m still very excited! I also have busy day tomorrow, so I better get to bed. Can’t wait!

Goodnight xo

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