Sleepless Solitude

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March 25

Despite going to bed around 6 a.m. last night, I woke up at 9 a.m. this morning so I could post all of the MOMENTS social media stuff I had stayed up to work on. And I did. I plastered that damn BuzzFeed article all over Facebook. I also put up an Instagram post before eventually falling back to sleep.

I woke up again around noon, this time to messages from friends asking where my BuzzFeed post was. Huh? Well, it turns out you’re not allowed to use the BuzzFeed Community Forum for advertising purposes. That was fucking news to me! BuzzFeed not only removed the post while I was sleeping, but they had disabled/deleted my entire fucking account. Even the Xtina post that I had done last year.

I was so upset. I almost felt like crying, actually. I had put so much time into that Mariah article, and now it ceased to exist. The worst part was that I had nothing backed up on my computer. With the help of Justin LeBlanc – he works in social media – I called BuzzFeed, left messages, and sent a ton of desperate emails. Nothing worked.

Through some sort of miracle, a former colleague at the Toronto Film Group still had the post open on her phone. Like an angel from heaven, she screenshotted all 101 GIFs and captions, and then sent them to me. With those pictures, I re-did the entire article. I made a new BuzzFeed account and post without any mention of the party, and now it seems to be fine. The whole fiasco obviously delayed my day a lot, but that post was so important to me. I couldn’t just throw it all away. I’m really proud of the article, actually. It’s fucking hysterical.

After I was finished with that mess, the hustle continued. I went to the gym, finding myself with so much energy and adrenaline that I was running 8 mph on the treadmill for an hour, and loving every minute of it. I’m so excited for MOMENTS. I’m more excited than Christmas, Halloween, and my birthday all combined. I want MOMENTS to be the best thing that has ever happened to this city. And it will be. The music does stress me out, though. There are a lot of last-minute changes that I want to make to the playlist, so hopefully Phillip can handle them.

I went back to the Witch Cave after the gym, washed up, and then jumped in the car and drove out to the airport to pick up Hellacious. I parked the car and waited for her inside the terminal, just outside of the frosted, automatic glass doors at the International Arrivals gate.

You know that pre-diarrhea feeling? Those satanic butterflies that fly around your gut when you’re nervous about something? Well, I had that the entire time I was waiting for Hellacious. Was she going to get past customs? Were the DUIs going to be an issue? Were they even going to ask about them? What the hell was happening behind those damn doors? What was taking so long! The churning in my stomach instantly stopped as soon as I saw Hellacious pass through the doors. She made it! It was such a relief to see her. Oh, my God. It was perfect.

We drove back into the city, catching up as we made our way to the Gladstone Hotel, which is where Hellacious will be staying for the next two nights. The entire set up was actually perfect. Hellacious loved it, too. After the whole check-in process, I left Hellacious to hang out and unwind in her room for a bit while I waited in the lobby.

Oddly enough, I ended up receiving a random FaceTime audio call from Peter in Australia during that time. It caught me off guard, but obviously it was nice to talk to him. Peter was calling to follow up on something I had requested of him the other day. Ugh. This is so petty. I almost don’t want to admit to it. Whatever. It is what it is.

I had asked Peter to unfollow Logan on Instagram. I don’t know why Peter was following him in the first place, but he was and I didn’t like it. Peter was sweet, though. He didn’t care about the unfollowing bit, he was just calling to see if I was okay. For the record, I also deleted Logan off of Snapchat. Logan is an asshole, and this is all a part of me regaining my self-respect. Logan can suck my farts.

After my call with Peter, Hellacious joined me in the lobby. We had dinner at the Gladstone Café. Mason was still working at the hotel around that time, so he joined us for a bit. It was nice to introduce Mason to Hellacious, as he was admittedly a big fan, but it was also slightly awkward at times. I felt like Mason was trying too hard. Maybe he was nervous? Hellacious is so chill, though. She’s one of the nicest people I know, whether s/he’s in or out of drag. There was nothing for Mason to be nervous about.

For dessert, Hellacious and I went up to her room and drank the bottle of Henkell that Mason had left for us. We just talked and laughed about a bunch of random crap. It was fun. A few splashes later, we ended up checking out Bent Beauty Supreme, which was an alternative beauty pageant that was happening in the hotel’s event space. It was cool, I guess. Not really my kind of event, though. Or Hellacious’s, it seemed.

The Gladstone Hotel is pretty far down on Queen Street West. As “The Hub of Queer West” – a designation they have assigned themselves – the hotel attracts a lot of gays from the surrounding area. West Toronto gays are certainly an attractive bunch, but I find them slightly pretentious. Like, sorry I can’t grow a fucking beard, okay? Mind you, East Toronto gays aren’t that great, either. Ugh. I can’t win. Fuck it. I’m moving to Pluto.

A few friends are coming into town this weekend specifically for MOMENTS, which is so awesome. One of those friends is Kevin Sutherland from New York City. I mean, if anyone were to fly in for a Mariah Carey party, it would have to be Kevin Sutherland. After all, we met in 2014 while waiting in line for a free Mimi concert at Rockefeller Center. Kevin is also a filthy stinking rich Ivy Leaguer. So, there’s that, too. The boy’s got money to spend.

Anyway, Kevin was across town near my place in the Village. After making sure Hellacious was set for the night, I stopped by Crews & Tangos to say hello around 1 a.m. Kevin bought me a huge drink and introduced me to his friends. Ironically, they were all pretentious East Toronto gays. Oy.

Apparently, East Toronto gays are also easily spooked. I ended up scaring a really cute guy off after I made a funny, but slightly snarky comment. As we do, Kevin and I were bonding over Mariah Carey gossip at the bar. Cute Guy tried to interject with some random anecdote about his workday or some shit, and that’s when I barked, “Mariah Carey is more important than your day at the office!

Cute Guy ran away after my outburst. I never saw him again. I didn’t mean to be snarky, though! Ugh. Damn it! Why am I so bad at this? Oh, well. I don’t really care. Hopefully he still comes to MOMENTS. I need the ticket and drink sales.

I stayed at the bar with Kevin until about 1:45 a.m., and then walked home and snacked on crackers while doing a series of face masks to try and mend my busted mug. Tomorrow is the big day. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit! I can’t believe MOMENTS is finally here.

Oh, I forgot to mention this. As I was leaving the Gladstone Hotel tonight, I saw Mason again. He was so sweet. I think he was drunk, actually. Anyway, Mason pulled me aside.

Tomorrow night is going to be amazing,” he said. “You’re absolutely killing it with your hard work, and it really shows. I trust you with this 100%. Who knows? Maybe we can do this again afterwards!

That meant so much to me. At the end of the day, I have to remember that MOMENTS is a testament to what I’m capable of. Somehow, I have managed to convince a complete stranger to let me host a massive party at his hotel, with nothing but a blindly confident sales pitch. I guess I’m better at selling myself than I thought. Regardless, it was amazing to have Mason tell me that future events might be a possibility. That’s what I wanted from all of this. I’ve gotta kill this thing.

I’ve also gotta go to bed. I look like a witch right now.

Goodnight xo

See this content in the original post

@yalittlenasty Instagram post from this morning.

This was the Instagram push to advertise the BuzzFeed article, in addition to multiple Facebook posts.

Below is a direct link to the BuzzFeed article:

See this content in the original post

Friends have been messaging me with their excitement about the party.

It seems some friends are also looking to get extra festive. Excellent!

I took this while drinking/talking with Hellacious in her hotel room after dinner. Never enough champagne, it seems. Gladstone Hotel, Toronto

...and we love you! Gladstone Hotel, Toronto

A photo from the back of tonight’s Bent Beauty Supreme event at the Gladstone Hotel. This is pretty much where Hellacious and I stayed for the 15-minutes we were in attendance. Gladstone Hotel, Toronto